iPrism: Characterize and Mitigate Risk by Quantifying Change in Escape Routes

Authors: Shengkun Cui | Saurabh Jha | Ziheng Chen | Zbigniew Kalbarczyk | Ravishankar Iyer

Accepted DSN 2024: Paper (in proceeding) | Paper (pdf, submitted verison) | GitHub | Artifact

DEPEND Bench: Simulating Safety-Critical Scenarios

To rigorously test autonomous driving techniques, we generate simulated safety-critical scenarios using the CARLA Simulator. These scenarios are based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) pre-crash scenario typology report, which outlines common accident scenarios. Our goal is to ensure that autonomous driving systems are evaluated under challenging conditions that mirror real-world safety threats.

Scenario Typologies

A scenario typology provides a high-level description of a safety-critical situation. We selected five top-ranking scenario typologies based on fatality rates from the NHTSA report. These typologies represent different safety threats relative to the ego vehicle (the autonomous vehicle being tested).

Scenario Typologies

  1. Ghost Cut-in: An actor approaches from behind in an adjacent lane and abruptly cuts into the ego vehicle’s lane.
  2. Lead Cut-in: An actor in front of the ego vehicle in an adjacent lane cuts into the ego vehicle’s lane.
  3. Lead Slowdown: An actor in front of the ego vehicle in the same lane slows down or stops.
  4. Front Accident: Two actors in front of the ego vehicle in different lanes collide due to a merging conflict.
  5. Rear-end: An actor approaches the ego vehicle from behind and collides with it. Each typology accounts for a significant portion of accidents in the U.S., with detailed threat directions illustrated in our diagrams.

Scenario Generation

Each safety-critical scenario is an instantiation of a scenario typology with specific hyperparameters. By varying these hyperparameters, we simulate a wide range of conditions to test the robustness of autonomous driving systems.We generated a total of 4810 safety-critical scenarios across the five typologies. The table below summarizes the number of scenarios, their hyperparameters, and the number of accidents encountered by a baseline agent (LBC).

Scenario Typology# of ScenariosHyperparameters# of Baseline Accidents
Ghost Cut-in1000Distance same lane, Distance lane change, Speed lane change519
Lead Cut-in1000Event trigger distance, Distance lane change, Speed lane change170
Lead Slowdown1000NPC vehicle location, NPC vehicle speed, Event trigger distance118
Front Accident810Distance lane change, Distance same lane, Event trigger distance0
Rear-end1000NPC vehicle 1 speed, NPC vehicle 2 speed, NPC vehicle 1 location770

SMC Training

From each typology, one scenario is selected for training the reinforcement learning (RL)-based controller. This scenario is chosen based on its representativeness and the level of risk shortly before an accident occurs. The front-accident typology is excluded from training and evaluation as none of the scenarios resulted in an accident.

STI Testing in Real-World Dataset

To validate our approach, we also apply our safety-critical scenario identification method to the Argoverse real-world dataset. This dataset includes over 50 driving sequences and 300K actor annotations. Our method helps identify interesting, safety-critical scenarios within real-world data, highlighting potential biases towards less hazardous situations due to the controlled environments in which the data are typically collected.